Self Healing Retreat - Could it be for you? Here’s what I learned…

A while ago, one of my private clients asked me to consider doing a private Self-Healing retreat.

Some of my clients are very private and they would prefer to do their healing alone to keep the journey sacred. I’m kind of similar myself.

So this summer I wanted to test the idea of a healing retreat…how would it go? What would it look like? Especially for people who want to take a really deep journey into themselves.

And I have done the test run of the retreat as my own healing journey on a beautiful island on the Aegean Sea (as a past marketing person, testing is the best way before launching 😊).

And here are my top 3 findings…

1) The sea has healing powers 🌊

One of the things I noticed is that a healing retreat should be beside the sea. It can cleanse you and tell you what you need to hear.

2) The Full Moon helps to illuminate the path for you 🌕

When I was there, it was the Full Moon. It was unplanned (but beautifully aligned) and the experience was stronger.

Here’s why: imagine the darkness of nighttime, where you can’t see anything, the full moon shows you the path. Our fears, our struggles and our inner story are all easier to see during the full moon. It’s an amazing time to understand and let go what is not serving you.

This is why I decided to organize retreats during a full moon.

3) Balance is beautiful for my soul ☯️

I enjoyed having time during the day and the evening to swim, read a book, enjoy the local sights, foods and enjoy a glass of wine or a nice drink. I believe it’s important to balance out the inner work with leisure and freedom.

And here are the 3 Topics that I worked on during my mini retreat...


The most important topic of all would be self-love.

What is blocking us from loving ourselves? What is blocking us from understanding who we truly are so that we can step into that version of ourselves?

How can we become our fullest potential? Because we can only do that when we love and understand ourselves.


Many of us hold onto a lot of resentment. So another topic is all about letting that go.

This doesn’t mean we need to forgive and forget all of the wrongs anyone has ever done to us. Forgiveness isn’t about that — it’s about understanding how the struggle has helped you to become who you are.

Forgiveness is letting go of heaviness within you and letting it heal you and show you the lesson.


Finally, another theme that kept coming up was BECOMING.

How can you reach your potential? Who are YOU really?

This is where we get into manifestation and living out your wildest dreams. Bringing your desires down into your body TODAY, and exploring what can you do to be that person now...

Of course manifesting involves dreaming, meditating and creating. But you must also take aligned action to BECOME and make your own reality.

If you ever want to experience a retreat like this, let me know - I would love to hear from you.


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