Lessons Learned - A Birthday Reflection

Today is my BIRTHDAY! 🎉🥳

Birthdays are often a time where we look back across the last year with mixed emotions.

So I want to share with you my greatest learnings from my previous 12 months...with many ups and downs, fears, tears, transitions, shifts and miracles....

✨ 1) You are not stuck, your fears are holding you.

When you feel stuck, the best place to start is to understand your fears (and then work on your limiting beliefs to shift them). From there you start to shift into a more positive mindset around change.

Most people skip facing their fears and start straight with gaining a positive mindset. But this might make your transformation or healing journey longer with less tangible results. The good news is, fears can be shifted, and their affect is diminished when you dare to look at them (even the oldest ones). So don’t make it a big deal as well 😊

When you stop the story of “I am stuck” and start diving into what is truly holding you back (your fears), that's when you will win.

✨ 2) When you do the internal shifts, external shifts always come at the right time.

Most people don’t understand the value of the self-discovery or healing journeys. You don’t need to be sick or miserable to start your self-discovery journey.

The more you work on what is holding you back, the more clarity you will get on WHAT is your purpose, ideal life and biggest dreams. This vortex energy will result not only inner peace but also external shifts like; changing your job, getting a promotion, finding your soul mate, having a loving and joyful relationship.

Profound changes happen when we do the inner work... internal shifts eventually shift the external factors.

✨ 3) Sometimes you need time to digest your decision.

Change comes when you dare to get out of your comfort zone. During a self-discovery journey you will realize many things about your childhood, parents and all other relationships. Then you also realize who your true self is, and will start to let go of what is holding you back from being that person. And this is a process…

Sometimes we need to digest the decisions, give healing some time and practice who we want to be.

✨ 4) Get support, you don’t need to do it alone, invest in yourself more than anything

What is the cost of living a life without experiencing how to be born into your full potential?

Over the last 10 years, I have been working with healers and coaches from all around the world. Investing in myself was the best decision that I ever made.

You are the most important thing in your life. The most important investment you can ever do is the one that gives you a sense of purpose and alignment… Yes the self-work is the key, yet you do not need to this alone.

💫 It's time to initiate a real transformation within your life, the right time will never come unless you create it.

📞 If you're ready to get unstuck and expand beyond your limitations and fears then let's chat over a discovery call!

In the call, I’ll do a reading to discover what is holding you back. You'll get to ask me anything so that we can understand if this is the right fit for you. Click here to claim your spot — I have limited spots available.


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