Have You Ever Met Your Soul Tree? A Raw Reflection and Message

What's special about this...is that I want to share something unusual...something like I've never shared with you before ❤️

Often, I receive emails from my clients that will spark joy and inspiration within me while I read it. But I never shared them with this community.

This message in particular was so RAW, like a beam of light in the darkness. So with his permission, I am sharing it with you today, in hopes that it will give you the same feelings of positive direction and hope...

During the session, we met his soul tree and asked his questions, and after the session he went to a park and sat under a tree to journal the following words of wisdom 🌳

The wisdom of his words can be the light in your world. So take your time to go deep into the hidden meanings that come to your heart as you read…

“Trunk: We had a very beautiful session today. I saw the bark of a 150 years old tree. It represents the wisdom of the tree, the time that has passed. The seasons that come and go. They are the stories that we lived in this and in past lives. The experiences make us what we are today. No need to carry the weight of old relationships.

The tree can take over the weight from the shoulders and let the energy pass into mother earth. I can open my shoulders and hold straight. Let expectations and responsibilities go. I can ask the tree of angel Rafael at any point for help. I can shift.

As the tree grows older, the trunk becomes stronger. It might have scars from what over time. It is standing, almost timeless to witness over hundreds of years what is happening. Animals are coming and going. Humans might pass and grow old. Other plants grow and die and the circle is closing. A tree can tell so many experiences and be there to listen. The wrinkles as sign of wisdom are beautiful. The tree is tall and has grown very high.

Large branches are the symbol of branches that are older and stronger, which can carry more weight. It is time for a more mature period of my life to come. I will pass on the wisdom from my experiences to other people. I will start to know what I want and what I want my life to be. I am no longer relying on other people and let them decide how and where my life should go. I can spread the branches like arms and occupy my own space. My experience gives me the confidence that I can do it my way. They will not break off easily and I can climb on them.

Leaves: The leaves of the tree are light green, like young leaves full of energy in spring. They represent the actions, activities and events in my life. They come and go with the seasons. I can create two springs in the same year in my life. There is a spring in the north and there is a spring in the south. The flow of juice is accelerating. The sun reflects in the leaves that take the energy from the sun. It leads to transformation and strengthening. The leaves are something that the tree can let go. The tree does not carry the leaves from the previous years. It is not attached and knows that it will grow back the leaves it needs when the moment comes. The leaves also represent joy and excitement.

We did not talk about the acorn. There is no reproduction coming up. There are already plenty of trees growing around. Young ones that need support, light and water to grow strong. They will fall and the squirrels can eat them.

The roots. In the meditation in the morning I resonated with the exchange of energy via the roots. Grounding but also exchange information / knowledge and nutrition between trees. The mix of trees in the forest make it resistant and are the basis for biodiversity.

I can become more confident by using the energy from past experiences through the roots and let the energy rise in me. I know that when I fall, I never go back to where I was. The wisdom from the experiences creates the confidence, the trust in myself and in nature that I will do the next step. I can let go of insecurity. Feel light and not block myself. Accept all the learnings I have done and use them wisely.”


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