The Truth About Owning Your Power

Recently, a topic has been emerging frequently in my client sessions: Owning your Power; the beauty and the consequences of it.

I work with people who want to be a leader in their life, they know that their potential is more than what they are right now. My clients want to do things and achieve goals because it matters to them more than anyone else.

At some point on their transformation journey, we reach a common issue “What happens when you own your truth?”.

Owning your power is a fancy subject, however, it is not always easy. Why?

✨ Let’s dig into the 3 things you should know about owning your power…

The Truth About Owning Your Power

1. Power comes from stepping outside of your comfort zone


When you start to own your power, you listen to your inner voice, your inner knowing. This voice guides you on your next steps and some of those steps require resilience and faith. Your fears will attack you and when they do, you’ll want to stay inside your comfy comfort zone. The aim here is not to get rid of all the fears, it is to “feel the fear and do it anyways”.

An example of this comes from one of my clients. She recently applied for an internal position that would be a huge promotion and a big step in her career. The decision to apply was not easy, she had not yet healed from her fears of failure. Despite the fears, she moved forward, acted anyway and she got the job! I know getting out of your comfort zone is not easy, but it is always worth trying. 

2. Judgment is inevitable


When it comes to owning your power, this is the most common issue that we work on with my clients. “What would others say?”, “Will my friends think differently of me?“ or  “How would my partner react?”.

We all want to fit in, to be loved and appreciated. This causes us to act from a place of what we should do instead of what we want to do.

And guess what, not everyone around you will be happy when you start speaking your truth, not everyone will like you. True power requires strength, and acceptance in the fact that not everyone will be happy with it. Your authentic self will trigger some people, it is inevitable. Instead of being happy for you, they will see what they couldn’t achieve or secretly judge themselves.

The main issue here is to let go of the expectations and hope of “being liked or appreciated by everyone”. Instead, we must learn how to navigate judgment and most of all, ignore it.  I guarantee that once you let go of your need to fit in, your transformation will be faster and you will be born into your true potential.

Think of all the successful people that inspire you. I am sure they are not loved by everyone; many people judge them, but they own who they are anyway. And by doing so, they reach and inspire like-minded people like you.  

3. Friendships and relationships will change, some may break and others will improve

I think this quote summarizes this principle perfectly, “When people say ‘you’ve changed’, there is a 95% chance that you just stopped acting the way they wanted you to.”

When you do internal shifts, external shifts also need to happen. Sometimes this requires upgrading your relationships. How this relationship upgrades can vary; it can be setting new boundaries or having clear communication on your needs or even letting some people go from your life.

It is not always negative. When you speak your truth, sometimes the relationship upgrades to mutual understanding and compassion.

Last year I witnessed how owning my power can strengthen a relationship. A family member of mine went too far on judgment without asking about the facts and background of the situation. First, it made me sad because I wanted to be loved and accepted. Then I quickly realized it was a huge lesson on boundaries. This person went too far in their message but actually, I was the one who allowed this behavior to happen. Does this sound familiar?

How many times have we let people cross our boundaries in order to be accepted?

After realizing this, I had a genuine conversation with my husband about why I was upset and why I needed to set clearer boundaries. Ultimately, it led to a deeper understanding and compassion in our relationship, we found a common way to handle the issue. Owning your power does not always mean letting go of people in your life or saying no. It is simply knowing your boundaries and saying yes to yourself.

I hope this has inspired you to let go of the guilt or shame of Owning Your Power, your truth!

It is not always easy but you are not alone. Remember:
     🌷 This requires you going outside of your comfort zone  
     🌷 It is ok to be judged, not everyone needs to like your power or this new version of yourself
     🌷 It is ok to upgrade some relationships; when you let go of the people who do not serve you anymore, you create more space for like-minded people. I guarantee they will come 🧡.

If you want to own your power, live your truth and are ready to make powerful changes in your life, you may be a good fit for my 1-1 Deep Transformation Program. It is a 3-month healing energy and mindset coaching journey that helps you get unstuck. We will expand beyond your stresses and limitations to initiate a real transformation within your life
💫 If this sounds like something you’ve been searching for, book a free discovery call and I’ll take it from there! I’ll ask you more about your where you are at and what you want to transform. We’ll talk about whether or not this is right for you. 💕


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